Monday, August 22, 2011


It has been a SUPER long time since I’ve posted on here.  I guess this summer has been a little busier than I’d expected!  We’ve done some camping at Clearlake with family, and Falcon with friends.  We’ve also done a bunch of day trips to the beach or just out with friends.
It has now been a year since we first applied for adoption and we have spent the last month or so renewing everything.  At our meeting with our adoption worker (not sure what her title is) we discovered that our profile did not match with any birthmothers at all over the last year.  It was tough to hear that we paid all that money and did all that work for our profile to sit in a box for a year.  We weren’t even close to getting a child!  We were encouraged to broaden our stipulations (required in the application process) on the alcohol consumption of a birthmother during and prior to pregnancy.  We are still comfortable with our new stipulations knowing that God will not give us more than we can handle.
 I am so very blessed.  I’ve really enjoyed the love, prayers and encouragement of my close friends and family.  I went on a weekend retreat with a group from my church and we spent some time praying for each other.  It was amazing.  Some of the things they shared with me have helped me through some of the harder times this summer.  One of the verses presented to me was:
Psalm 139:10
‘Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.’
It’s encouraging to know that God has a purpose for everything that I don’t even understand.  But in those circumstances He is right there with me.  There have been a number of verses, pictures, and words that have been shared with me that have really blessed me and helped me.
Another friend received a picture for me that I’ve replayed in my mind often.  It was a picture of Jesus holding a baby in Heaven and Jesus was saying: ‘Just wait, I’ve got him right here, I’m just waiting for the right time.  But I have him with me right now.  It’s real.  It’s coming’
Just the other day on Facebook, Joyce Meyer posted this quote:
 ‘Patience is not the ability to wait, but it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.’ –Joyce Meyer
Anyway, God has been doing a lot in my life this summer and teaching me a lot too.  I hope to share more of it with you in the near future!

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